Randall Hoffman, Pastor
Pastor Hoffman served as an assistant to Pastor George Crabb for 17 years at the Antioch Baptist Church in Warren, MI before pastoring Harbor Lights Baptist Church in Ashland, WI for 13 years. He became the pastor of Calvary at the end of January 2021.
Pastor Hoffman grew up in Wisconsin in a pastor's home and trusted Christ as a young boy. He was called to preach at a Youth Conference in Hammond, IN at the age of twelve, completed High High School at Maranatha Baptist Academy in Watertown, WI in May of 1985, and received a degree in Pastoral Studies from Bob Jones University in May of 1990.
In 1991 he married his wife, Leanne who was saved as a young teen whom he met at the church his father pastored in Pound, WI. They have five children of which two are in grade school yet.